The Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (INPE) at BUET was established in September 2015 with the vision of supporting and promoting the country’s first nuclear power project and other nuclear programs. Bangladesh decided to embark on nuclear power considering the inadequate indigenous energy resources. Introduction of nuclear power requires long term planning, detailed pre-project activities, framing of appropriate laws relating to construction, operation and regulation of nuclear power plants in order to ensure the safety of the public from any accidental release of nuclear regulations. Qualified and trained manpower is an essential pre-requisite for implementation of a nuclear power program. INPE is striving to become the leading institution for education, research, training and outreach in the field of nuclear technology so as to meet the need of the country for qualified and skilled manpower for planning, construction, regulation and operation of nuclear power plants and their ancillary facilities.

To become a center of excellence for providing education, research, and outreach in the field of nuclear technology as well as rendering technical support to the organizations responsible for implementation of nuclear power program of the country.

To promote and strengthen education, training, research and technical support on nuclear technology, particularly in the area of electric power generation using nuclear energy and thus help the country in its endeavors for enhancing socioeconomic development, safety and security of the people.

A country introducing nuclear power program needs significant number of qualified and trained professionals. INPE, BUET will help students and professionals to gather expertise in nuclear power engineering through relevant academic/professional courses and associated trainings.

Post-Graduate Programs
INPE, BUET currently has the following post-graduate programs:
- M.Sc Engg. in NPE
- M.Engg. in NPE
For more info: click here

Trainings & Workshops
INPE arranges trainings and workshops for the students of engineering background to spread the knowledge of safe and peaceful use of nuclear energy.
For more info: click here

Technical Seminars
INPE arranges technical seminars where national and international experts in the field of nuclear power engineering share their thoughts and experiences.
For more info: click here

INPE, BUET has activated collaboration with National Research Nuclear University, MEPhI, Moscow and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia. ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation, Moscow will be associated with INPE in education, training and developing professionals.

INPE, BUET has established collaboration with Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC), Ministry of Science and Technology, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor, Tandem Accelerator and other facilities of BAEC may be explored for research and training.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna provided PCTRAN (Personal Computer Transient Analyzer) simulation software to BUET for education, research and training. Students as well as faculty members are involved in research related to nuclear energy.
Our Address
Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (INPE),
10th Floor, ECE Building, BUET Campus
Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
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