dirinpe@inpe.buet.ac.bd +88(02)55167100

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Ramit Kumar Sadhukhan has completed his M.Sc. in Nuclear Power Engineering and Thermal Physics from the Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering "National Research Nuclear University" «MEPhI» (IATE NRNU MEPhI), Russian Federation in 2021 under the joint scholarship provided by the Bangladesh Government and the Russian Government. He completed his B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2018. Before that, he completed his GCE A-level in 2013 and GCE O-level in 2011 from Oxford International School, Dhaka, Bangladesh under the University of Cambridge International Examinations.

Currently, Ramit Kumar Sadhukhan is employed as a Lecturer in the Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (INPE), BUET. Prior to this, from October 2021 to January 2024, he has served as a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Additionally, from April to September 2019, he worked as a Lecturer (Part-Time) in the Department of Textile Machinery Design and Maintenance (TMDM) at the Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX), located in Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka.

As a researcher, he has authored one international journal article and four conference papers. His research interests are radiation impacts of nuclear power plant operation, radiological safety, risk assessment and management, natural and technogenic radioactivity, electric vehicle, mini-grid modeling and power electronics.



M.Sc. in Nuclear Power Engineering and Thermal Physics

Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering - Branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research Nuclear University” «MEPhI» (IATE NRNU MEPhI)

Obninsk, Russian Federation

Passing year: 2021

B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Passing year: 2018

GCE A Level

Oxford International School

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Passing year: 2013

GCE O Level

Oxford International School

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Passing year: 2011



Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)


Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (INPE)

Duration: 15 January 2024 - Present

University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB)


Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)

Duration: 21 October 2021 – 14 January 2024

Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX)

Lecturer (Part-time)

Department of Textile Machinery Design and Maintenance (TMDM)

Duration: 30 April 2019 – 15 September 2019



During M.Sc. study in the 2019-2021 academic sessions in IATE NRNU MEPhI (Obninsk, Russian Federation):
  • Presented reports at the 3rd and 4th International Conference "Technogenic Systems and Environmental Risk (TSER)" in 2020 and 2021, where awarded 1st place for the report in 2020.
  • Report on the radiological problems of tritium in Bangladesh presented at the 2nd APEC International Energy Forum in 2020 was awarded the 1st degree diploma.
  • Awarded diplomas of the 1st and 3rd degrees for making presentations at the International Conference Atom Future 2019 and 2020, respectively.
  • Stipend of Highest Scale from the Russian Government in the 2019-2021 academic sessions in all months during M.Sc. study for obtaining 5.00/5.0 in all 4 semesters.
  • Bangladesh Government and Russian Government Scholarship in 2019-2021 academic sessions for pursuing M.Sc. in Nuclear Power Engineering and Thermal Physics from IATE NRNU MEPhI, Obninsk, Russian Federation.

During B.Sc. in EEE study in 2014-2018 academic sessions in BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh:
  • Dean's List Scholarship in all undergraduate academic levels in BUET for academic excellence.
  • University Merit Scholarship in all semesters in BUET.

During GCE AS & A Level study in 2011-2013 academic sessions in Oxford International School, Dhaka, Bangladesh, under the University of Cambridge International Examinations:
  • The Daily Star Award for securing 4 ‘A’ grades in the GCE ‘A’ Level Examinations held in the 2012-2013 examination session(s).

During GCE O Level study in the 2011 June & November Examination sessions in Oxford International School, Dhaka, Bangladesh, under the University of Cambridge International Examinations:
  • The Daily Star Award for securing 9 ‘A’ grades in the GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations held in the 2010-2011 examination session(s).
  • Highest Mark in the World in the June 2011 Cambridge O Level examinations for Additional Mathematics awarded at the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 3 December 2011.
  • The Daily Star Award for securing world highest marks in the Additional Mathematics in the June 2011 examination session(s).
  • Academic Excellence Awards in 2009 by the Oxford International School, Dhaka, Bangladesh for the Best Academic Achievement in Class-8 in 2008-2009 academic sessions.


Journal Articles

  • Sadhukhan, Ramit Kumar and Synzynys, B.I. "Comprehensive Assessment of Radiation Impact from Natural Radioactivity and Tritium Around Rooppur NPP Before Commissioning and Predicted Exposures of NPP Operation." Progress in Nuclear Energy, vol. 164 (2023), DOI: 10.1016/j.pnucene.2023.104872

Conference Papers

  • Rasheduzzaman, M., et al. "Assessing the Environmental Consequences of ICEVs and BEVs in Dhaka City via Vehicle Fleet Modeling and Support Vector Regression. "2023 International Conference on Energy, Power, Environment, Control, and Computing (ICEPECC), Gujrat, Pakistan, 2023, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/ICEPECC57281.2023.10209499.
  • Sadhukhan, Ramit Kumar and Synzynys, B.I. "Review of tritium in Bangladesh before commissioning of NPP Rooppur." IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 976 012009 (2020)
  • Sadhukhan, Ramit Kumar and Synzynys, B.I. "Natural radioactivity around Rooppur nuclear power plant before commissioning. " J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1701 012009. (2020)
  • Islam, Maria, et al. "Android based heart rate monitoring and automatic notification system." IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (2017) (R10-HTC) DOI: 10.1109/R10-HTC.2017.8288993



Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (INPE),

10th Floor, ECE Building, BUET Campus

Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh

Direction in Google Maps



